

US$600 모금
  • Freedom Speakers International
  • General
  • 해당 프로젝트 후원금은 세금 공제 대상입니다

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프로젝트 정보

I am honored to have been appointed as a North Korean refugee ambassador for Freedom Speakers International. In my role, I am dedicated to exposing the struggles faced by North Koreans—isolated from the world, denied basic medical care, and deprived of the freedom to make choices about their own lives. Your interest and support are essential in spreading this message and inspiring real change.

But there is hope. There are 34,000 North Korean defectors, like me, who have escaped to freedom in South Korea. We are speaking out to help those who are still trapped in North Korea. Freedom Speakers International is making a difference. FSI has been working for 11 years in a small office in South Korea, helping defectors like me learn English and to share our stories. Through this support, we are able to share our stories with the world and raise awareness about the realities in North Korea.

So far, FSI has helped around 600 defectors through volunteer tutoring, English-speaking contests, and even publishing English-language books. These programs give defectors a chance to tell the truth about North Korea to the world. But we need more help to continue this important work.
You can help by supporting organizations that fight for human rights in North Korea. By sharing our stories and spreading the truth, we can bring change to North Korea and help those who are still suffering.


최근 후원자

프로젝트 단체

Freedom Speakers International

Freedom Speakers International (FSI) has empowered more than 500 North Korean refugees with public speaking, English and career development. Your support can keep our programming tuition-free for North Korean refugees.

  • 웹사이트 https://loveFSI.org
  • 주소

    1405 S. Fern St.
    Arlington, VA 22202

  • 전화번호 202-830-1355

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