Casey's Matching Donation

Casey님의 모금활동

본 모금활동은 Year-end Matching Donation을 후원합니다

US$0.00 남음
US$2,150 모금
US$500430% 달성

모금활동 소개

I often hear from South Koreans that I am doing the work that South Koreans should be doing. I always thank them and then inform/remind them that there are people all over the world supporting FSI's work.

Two of our donors who are inspired by FSI's work and supporters around the world have pledged $8,000 in a fundraising challenge with us. You can contribute any amount to help us chip away at the total amount.

최근 후원자

  • 9개월 전
  • Year-End 9개월 전
  • Ken 10개월 전
  • Jae_138 10개월 전
  • Wisdom 10개월 전
  • Matteo 10개월 전

Year-end Matching Donation 소개



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