Audiobooks Are Like Words Set to Music

Eben님의 모금활동

본 모금활동은 Greenlight to Freedom audiobook를 후원합니다

US$430.00 남음
US$70 모금
US$50015% 달성

모금활동 소개

With the announcement of the release of the Audiobook, "Greenlight to Freedom" this is a reminder you can enjoy carrying it anywhere for your listening pleasure.

Although many prefer the feel of a book in their hands, keep in mind that with an audiobook, it is like reading a book set to music anywhere you are. Not only that, but you will be listening to those who have dedicated their time and effort to bringing Songmi Han's incredible story to life verbally.

FSI has published four books by North Korean refugees. Without those supporters and the dedication to helping Freedom Speakers International (FSI) financially, such publications in book form and through audiobooks would be difficult to produce.

Like publishing books, there are expenses that need to be met upfront. Want you contibute to offsetting the audiobook expenses by donating to this fundraiser? Any amount will help FSI meet its goal.

최근 후원자

Greenlight to Freedom audiobook 소개

We are thrilled to announce the release of the Greenlight to Freedom audiobook!

This project wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication and contributions of many people:

  • Songmi Han, for her courage in sharing her story with the world.

  • Simone Park, for volunteering her time and talent to narrate the audiobook—a commitment that was no small feat, given the length and depth of the story.

  • FSI co-founder Eunkoo Lee for taking leadership in processing the audiobook.

  • Dahye Kang who handled the technical aspects of processing the audiobook.

  • Thanks to all of you who bought the book and special thanks to those of you who left ratings and reviews of the paperback/kindle edition. That could then justify spending money on processing the audiobook.

  • And FSI co-founder Casey Lartigue for proposing the book to Songmi in early 2021 and writing it with her.

Thank you to all of you for bringing Greenlight to Freedom to life in audio form.

You can get the audiobook for free with an Audible subscription! Audible offers a free 30-day trial for new members, after which the membership costs $14.95 per month, giving you access to a vast library of audiobooks.

If you’re not interested in subscribing, you can also purchase the audiobook version directly. However, as you may know, Amazon is currently encouraging users to explore the audiobook through an Audible membership.

We hope you’ll listen to Greenlight to Freedom and experience this powerful story in a whole new way.


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