Eunkoo’s Birthday Fundraiser

Fundraiser by Eunkoo

This fundraiser supports Eunkoo Lee's birthday fundraiser

$0.00 remaining
$1,161 raised
101% of $1,146 goal

About This Fundraiser

Dear FSI Supporters and Friends,

As my birthday approaches on February 10, 2024, I reflect on the journey we've embarked on with Freedom Speakers International (FSI). While I plan to celebrate this special day with my family and close colleagues, my heart is with the FSI community.

Thanks to your support, FSI has flourished beyond my expectations. We all started as volunteers, but now we have paid staff. We have hosted international speech events globally, from the USA to the UK and Switzerland, and of course in South Korea.

The dream of hosting our speech contest at HARVARD University, which Casey suggested several years ago, is now about to become a reality on April 13th

We struggled so much in FSI's early years that I could not have imagined this day would come. Next month I will join Casey as he leads his third workshop at the Harvard Graduate School of Education AOCC.

As we gear up for these special events, your support is more important than ever. This year, instead of traditional birthday celebrations, I'm dedicating my day to furthering our mission at FSI. I invite you to join me in making this dream a reality.

With heartfelt thanks,

Eunkoo Lee

Recent Supporters

  • Hyekoo 1 month ago
  • Eunkoo 1 year ago
  • Jesse 1 year ago
  • June 1 year ago
  • Jennifer 1 year ago
  • Casey 1 year ago

About Eunkoo Lee's birthday fundraiser

Dear FSI Supporters and Friends,

February 10 is my birthday! 

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude. I sincerely thank my parents for bringing me into this world so I could celebrate this day.
I am also grateful to my family, who support and work alongside me in helping North Korean defectors.

In addition, I extend my heartfelt thanks to the North Korean defectors, volunteers, and donors working with us at FSI. They enable us to continue our meaningful work.

I am especially grateful to Casey Lartigue, my co-president, who has stood by me without giving up and helped lead FSI from 2013 until today. It wasn’t always easy, but I could accomplish what I have thanks to his dedication.

Before I began co-leading FSI, my birthdays were often about receiving gifts just for myself.
But now, I sincerely wish for FSI, which has become everything to me, to grow stronger and more solid. In celebration of my birthday, I would like to donate to FSI to continue empowering North Korean defectors.

Through this work, I feel myself growing and maturing. As I celebrate another birthday, I hope you will join me in supporting FSI. I am always grateful for your ongoing support and encouragement.


Eunkoo Lee
Born on February 10

매년 2월 10일은 저의 생일입니다. 
올해 2025년 어김없이 생일을 맞이하였습니다. 먼저 감사의 인사들을 전하고 싶습니다. 
먼저, 제가 이렇게 생일 맞을 수 있도록 태어나게 해주신 저의 부모님께 감사합니다.
그리고, 제가 탈북민 돕는일을 하는데 지지해주고 함께 해주고 있는 나의 가족들에게 감사합니다.

또한, 저희 FSI와 함께하고 있는 탈북민들과 자원봉사자들, 그리고 후원자분들께 감사합니다. 이분들은 저희가 의미있는 일을 할수 있도록 함께하고 있습니다. 
지금까지 저와 함께 FSI를 이끌고 포기하지않고 함께 해 온 저의 공동대표 Casey Lartigue씨에게도 감사합니다. 쉽지 않았지만 2013년부터 오늘까지 한자리에서 이일을 Casey 대표가 있어서 할수 있었습니다. 

FSI 단체를 이끌기 전 저의 생일날은 주로 저를 위한 생일축하선물을 받는데 익숙했습니다. 
그러나, 지금은 저희 모든 것이 되어버린 FSI가 성장하고 단단해 지기를 간절히 원합니다. 
제 생일도 탈북민들의 역량강화에 힘쓰고 있는 FSI에 기부하고자합니다. 

이일을 하면서 제가 성숙해지고 있음을 느낌니다. 다시 맞은 제 생일, 제 생일 축하는 FSI와 함께해주세요
늘 여러분의 후원과 지지에 감사드리며

2월10일날 태어난 이은구 드림 



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